How To Apply For Maid Visa In Metrash?

Hiring a housemaid in Qatar has become increasingly common for both expatriate and local families. The process involves several steps, from obtaining approval to completing the visa application through the Metrash2 app.

This comprehensive guide will walk you through the entire process, providing essential information on requirements, procedures, and important considerations when hiring a maid in Qatar.

Maids HIRING Rules Qatar

Before diving into the application process, it’s crucial to understand some fundamental aspects of hiring a maid in Qatar:

  • Single men are not allowed to hire live-in maids.
  • You must have lived in Qatar for at least six months before sponsoring a live-in maid.
  • Approved nationalities for maids include Nepalese, Indonesian, Filipino, Ethiopian, and Sri Lankan. Note that Indian nationals are currently not permitted to work as maids in Qatar.
  • The minimum wage for maids varies by nationality but typically ranges from 1000 to 1500 QAR per month.

Prepare Required Documents

To apply for a maid visa through Metrash2, you’ll need to gather the following documents:

  1. Valid Qatar ID (for the sponsor)
  2. Passport copies for all family members
  3. No Objection Letter (NOC) from your employer allowing maid sponsorship
  4. Employment certificates showing salaries (for both spouses)
  5. Last 3 months of bank statements
  6. Marriage certificate
  7. Residence permits stamped in passports
  8. Computer card from the sponsor’s company
  9. Sponsor’s employment contract

Having these documents scanned and ready to upload will streamline the application process.

Apply Through Metrash2

Follow these steps to apply for a maid visa using the Metrash2 app:

  1. Log in to the Metrash2 app using your Qatar ID number and password.
  2. Tap “Visa” on the main menu.
  3. Select “Visa Approval.”
  4. Choose “Domestic Workers” as the visa type.
  5. Select the specific type of domestic worker (e.g., housemaid, nanny).
  6. Review the recruitment approval requirements and tap “Next.”
  7. Fill in the required fields with applicant details, including nationality, gender, proposed salary, and contract duration.
  8. Tap “Add” after entering all details.
  9. Review the entered information and tap “Next.”
  10. Upload scanned copies of all required documents.
  11. Review all entered information one final time.
  12. Agree to the terms and conditions.
  13. Tap “Submit” to send your application.

The entire online application process takes about 10-15 minutes if you have all documents ready.

Track Application Status

After submitting your application:

  1. Note down the application reference number.
  2. Check the application status regularly in Metrash2.
  3. Respond promptly to any requests for additional information.

Approval typically comes within 2 weeks, though an in-person interview may sometimes be required.

Sponsorship Options

When hiring a full-time maid, you have two main options:

  1. Recruit a maid directly from her home country and bring her to Qatar under your sponsorship.
  2. Choose a maid already in Qatar and transfer her sponsorship from her current employer to you. Note that she should have completed at least one year of service with her present employer.

Hiring Through an Agency vs. Direct Hiring

Consider the pros and cons of agency hiring and direct hiring:

Agency HiringDirect Hiring
Handles paperworkMore control over process
Provides replacement optionsLower overall costs
Screens candidatesWider pool of candidates
More expensiveMore time-consuming
Limited candidate poolNo guarantees/support
Application process for maid visa metrash2

Post-Approval Process

After receiving approval:

  1. Apply for a work visa through Metrash2.
  2. Create an employment contract.
  3. Register the contract with proper authorities.
  4. Purchase a flight ticket for the maid.
  5. Meet the maid at the airport upon arrival.
  6. Complete medical tests and fingerprinting.
  7. Obtain a residence permit within 30 days.

Employer Responsibilities

As a maid sponsor, you are responsible for:

  • Providing adequate housing and food
  • Paying agreed salary on time
  • Allowing weekly day off and annual leave
  • Covering medical expenses
  • Respecting labor laws and contract terms
  • Ensuring the maid’s overall wellbeing

Salary and Benefits

The average base salary for maids in Qatar is around 750 QAR per month, but monthly salaries for live-in maids can range from 900 to 2500 QAR. Additional benefits typically include:

  • Housing
  • Food
  • Health card (renewed every two years)
  • Flight ticket home every two years

For part-time maids, hourly rates range from 35 to 45 QAR, plus transport costs.

Important Considerations

  1. Sponsorship responsibilities: As a sponsor, you are legally responsible for your maid’s welfare and behavior.
  2. Repatriation costs: You are responsible for covering the costs of sending your maid back to her home country if you terminate her contract.
  3. Contract duration: Standard contracts are typically for two years, with a three-month probation period.
  4. Visa and permit renewals: You are responsible for all expenses associated with visa, passport, and residency renewals during her employment.

Termination of Employment

At the end of the contract period:

  1. You must cover all costs for your maid’s repatriation, including flights.
  2. You can apply for a visa extension if you wish to continue employing the maid.
  3. You can help find her a new sponsor if she wishes to continue working in Qatar.

Hiring a Maid Locally

If you prefer to hire a maid already in Qatar:

  1. Ensure the maid has a transferable visa and legal status.
  2. Obtain recommendations from friends or place advertisements in classifieds, websites, or supermarket notice boards.
  3. When interviewing candidates, speak directly to the maid, not a broker or third party.
  4. Clarify their sponsorship and visa status.
  5. Submit an application with the Department of Immigration to transfer sponsorship.
  6. Provide all necessary documents, including NOCs from your employer and the maid’s current sponsor.

Part-Time Maid Services

For those seeking part-time maid services, several agencies in Qatar offer these options:

  • Qatar Maid Services: 44413462
  • Fresh Maid Services: 44120441
  • Qatar Gateway: 44181999
  • Qatar Maid Agency: 44271197
  • Jassim Services: 44868889
  • Swiss Label Maids: 44420238 / 66704333
  • Qatar Maids: 77362999

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. Can single men hire a maid?
    No, it is illegal for single men to hire live-in maids in Qatar.
  2. How long does visa approval take?
    Approval usually comes within 2 weeks but can take up to a month in some cases.
  3. What is the minimum salary for a maid in Qatar?
    The minimum salary varies by nationality but typically ranges from 1000 to 1500 QAR per month.
  4. How many maids can I sponsor?
    Most families are allowed to sponsor one maid. Additional maids may be approved in special circumstances, such as having many young children.
  5. What is an NOC?
    An NOC (No Objection Certificate) is a declaration from a maid’s current sponsor consenting to her finding a new employer/sponsor.
  6. Is it legal to charge a transfer fee?
    No, it is illegal for a sponsor or third party to charge a fee to transfer sponsorship.
  7. What documents does a maid need for vacation?
    Filipino maids require an Overseas Employment Certificate (OEC) to return from their home country. This can be obtained through the Philippine Overseas Employment Administration (POEA).

Tips for a Successful Maid-Employer Relationship

  1. Clearly communicate expectations and responsibilities.
  2. Provide a comfortable living space and necessary amenities.
  3. Respect cultural differences and religious practices.
  4. Offer fair compensation and benefits.
  5. Ensure regular days off and reasonable working hours.
  6. Maintain open communication and address concerns promptly.
  7. Treat your maid with respect and dignity.

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